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Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health

Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health - Dragon fruit, also known as "pitaya" in the English language are: the fruit of several types of cacti from the clan Hylocereus and Selenicereus. Dragon fruit itself comes from the state of Mexico, Central America and South America that are now widely cultivated in Asian countries as well as in some areas in Indonesia.

Around mid 1800, this plant was originally brought by the French from Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant. While the Vietnamese and Chinese men is considered a blessing. Because of this, the dragon fruit is always placed between two small green dragon statues on the altar table.
Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health
With this habit, dragon fruit also known as thang loy and later by the Europeans and other countries who speak Britain, translated as dragon fruit.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health was felt, especially when there are multiple studies conducted by experts on levels and substances contained of dragon fruit. Dragon fruit is very beneficial for health. The fruit is rich in fiber and vitamins, minerals, entrusted it can prevent many degenerative diseases, neutralize toxins in the blood and also about providing a positive effect on emotional.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health

1. Lowering Cholesterol Levels
It contains a lot of fiber, reaching 0.7 to 0.9 grams per 100 grams. Fibre is needed by the body to lower cholesterol levels. Fiber will bind bile acids (end products of cholesterol) and then excreted with faeces. Thus, the higher the consumption of fiber, the more bile acids and fatty acids released by the body.

2. Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Digestion System
Fibers contained of dragon fruit is very useful in the digestive system. Dietary fiber (dietary fiber) were able to shorten transit time, ie the time it takes food from the mouth to the rest of the food was issued in the form of feces. Meanwhile, food fiber will bind carcinogenic substances.

3. Preventing Heart Disease
Famous dragon fruit is rich in fiber is very good for heart health. This relates to fiber foods generally are very good for preventing this disease.
Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health
4. Efficacy Dragon Fruit
Fruit is similar to dragon scales are rich in vitamins and minerals with enough fiber making it suitable for the diet. European Society believes that Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health can lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar levels, preventing colon cancer, strengthen kidney function, bone, and brain power, improve visual acuity, treat vaginal discharge, and as a protective oral health, including thrush.

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