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Million Benefits of Pomegranate for Health

Million Benefits of Pomegranate for Health - Speaking about pomegranate definitely very interesting, because this fruit has a very nice shape, with a circular rather loud bark. Pomegranates have seed that are white and red when ripe. Some people say that this pomegranate symbolizes of life because it has enough water in its seeds.
Million Benefits of Pomegranate for Health
Pomegranate fruit has a sweet taste and is very refreshing when enjoyed in the summer. Actually, the pomegranate is not only has a sweet taste, but also save a myriad of health benefits.

Messenger of Allah said,

"Pomegranates and the skin strengthening digestion in the stomach."

(Reported by Abu Nu'aim and Al-Jawzi)

On privilege pomegranate there is the story of messengers companions. Whenever Ibn 'Abbas found a pomegranate, he'll eat it. People asked him why he did that, and he replied, "I really believe that not one pomegranates in the world that does not contain one seed from one seed of paradise. Perhaps this is the seed of heaven. "(story of Companions)

Benefits of pomegranates for health has been found 8000 years ago by the people of ancient Persia. The fruit is good for health because it contains a variety of vitamins, containing magnesium, calcium.

Benefits of pomegranate taken from medical Persians are:

  • Salubrity liver and spleen
  • Cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract
  • Helps digestion
  • Remove excess fat
  • Increasing the energy
  • Avoid allergies for pregnant women
  • Modifying hormones for menopausal women
  • Repair cleaning and circulation system
  • Treat and repair diabetics
  • Increase energy and avoid disease dysfunction
  • Beautifying the skin

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