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Benefits of Tomatoes for Health and Beauty

Benefits of tomatoes for health and beauty - So many benefits for health and beauty tomatoes, fruit that often accompany the mother in the kitchen not only serves as a flavoring and major ingredient cuisine but also very competent in health and beauty. It is never apart from nutrients and vitamins contained in tomatoes. Nutrients in tomatoes beneficial for health and beauty.

Are benefits of tomatoes only for the eyes? not the case, the tomato is not only good for the eyes, but also very good for beauty and others health, let us look at the benefits of tomatoes for health and beauty.
Benefits of Tomatoes for Health and Beauty

Benefits of tomatoes for health

  1. Anti-Oxidant sources. Tomatoes contain lycopene which is an antioxidant substance in tomatoes that serves to counteract the free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause damage to various body tissues, so that it will facilitate the body attacked by different kinds of diseases. But lycopene will address this issue from the body.
  2. Minimize heart attack and stroke. Tomatoes contain a variety of substances important for good health, such as potassium and vitamin B, these substances can minimize high blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart disease, including stroke.
  3. Natural sources of Vitamin. Tomatoes save a lot of vitamin C, by eating a tomato, the daily requirement of vitamin C can be provided for 40%. In addition, tomatoes contain vitamin K and iron.
  4. Relieves diabetes. Tomatoes are beneficial to suppress diabetes. According to the study taking 2 tomatoes every day can avoid oxidative stress type 2 diabetes.
  5. Tomatoes can prevent cancer. Many studies show that tomatoes can prevent cancer, such as prostate cancer, colon cancer, It's also because it contains lycopene which becomes a natural anti-oxidant to prevent cancer growth.

Benefits of tomatoes for beauty

Next to many beneficial for health, tomatoes are also very useful for beauty, such beauty and facial hair.
  • Tomatoes for hair. Tomato fruit containing vitamin A is beneficial for healthy hair.
  • Cover your skin with a tomato to get amazing benefits for facial beauty. With tomatoes on the skin lining the face, then let stand for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly, charming facial skin will glow.

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