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The Health Benefits of Moringa Leaves

The health benefits of Moringa leaves - Moringa leaf is commonly get in fences as a buffer of fence, this plant grows easily as other fence buffer crops. There is a proverb that says "the world is not as wide as Moringa leaves". This indicates that Moringa leaves shaped into small pieces. However, although this leaves in little form, but has enormous health benefits. Even scientists call it as miracle plant.

In this article, we will discuss about some of health benefits of Moringa leaves. Moringa tree grows to a height of approximately 1 meter. This plant has small leaves and has yellowish flowers. In the countryside, moringa leaves superbly cooked as a tasty vegetable. Besides beneficial as a vegetable, the leaves of Moringa also has a number of benefits for the health of the body. Here are some health benefits of Moringa leaves for body.

The Health Benefits of Moringa Leaves

The content of nutrients in Moringa leaves

Before we look at the health benefits of Moringa leaves, we need to know what is the nutrients content in Moringa leaves. Among the nutrients that present in the leaves of this leaf are:

  • Contains potassium as much as 3 times that of calcium in bananas
  • Contains the amount of calcium as much as 4 times of calcium in milk
  • Moringa leaves contain very much vitamin C which 7 times more than the amount in oranges
  • Contains 4 times of vitamin A in carrots
  • Containing protein 2 times more than in milk

The health benefits of Moringa leaves

1. Allergies
One of the health benefits of Moringa leaves are treating allergies. To cope with allergies, take three handles of Moringa leaves and boiled, enter pulasari fennel taste, add the spring onions, three glasses of water. Boil until the water boils and stayed two glasses, then filtered and drink every day on a regular basis.

2. herpes, ringworm and wounds fester
The health benefits of Moringa leaves to treat herpes. Grab 7 handles of Moringa leaves, mash until smooth, then attach in the problematic section.

3. Eye pain
To treat eyes illness, you can also use Moringa leaves. Take three handles of Moringa leaves, then mash until smooth and give a glass of water, stir until evenly, let stand until the waste settles. Use water for eye drops.

4. The benefits of Moringa leaves for rheumatic
The health benefits of Moringa leaves for rheumatism, stiff, painful. Take two handles of Moringa leaves and whiting as much as half a tablespoon, then mash until smooth, then rub on sore body parts as a drug.

5. Eliminate facial blemishes
The health benefits of Moringa leaves to remove facial blemishes. Take a few leaves of Moringa that are still young, mash until smooth and then used for powder in the face or can be mixed with the powder.

Those are some health benefits of Moringa leaves should know. Moringa leaves are not only useful as a tasty vegetable, but is able to treat a number of diseases. If you are in dire need of these plants, you can plant it in the side of the house, because this plant is very easy to grow.

See also:
Health benefits of betel leaves
Papaya benefits for health

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