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Benefits of Olive Oil for Heart Health

Benefits of olive oil for heart health - Olive oil is a healthy oil with fat content, as well as fat in the avocado fruit. Fat in olive oil can improve heart health because these oils can reduce bad cholesterol in the body, as i have said in my previous post 4 foods for healthy heart.

Olive Oil for Heart Health
While the fat contained in the palm fruits, trans fats, animal fats and partially hydrogenated fats can increase the risk of heart disease, because of the fat it contains "bad cholesterol" or LDL. So Expand healthy oils or "healthy fats" and stay away from saturated fats or trans fats that can increase bad cholesterol in the body.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Heart Health

Health benefits of olive oil is very large. According to the FDA people who consume 2 tablespoons of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of heart disease. Thus, it is reasonable for you to replace your oil with olive oil diet.

Olive oil are all good, everything is a monounsaturated fat. However, olive oil is the best extra virgin olive oil consumed is called with extra virgin olive oil. Because this type of olive oil is very little processing or process occurs. So extra virgin olive oil is the best and great health benefits for the heart.

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