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Benefits of Pineapple Fruit for Health

Benefits of pineapple fruit for health. Pineapple fruit is very good for health, especially in the digestion. However, pregnant women are prohibited from eating the fruit of the pineapple for fear of miscarriage. Pineapple fruit has a scaly skin with an umbrella of leaves on top. pineapple leaf shape long and pointy, along with small thorns along the leaves.

Other benefits of pineapple is you can make a pineapple mask, your face to soften the skin. Before we look at the benefits of pineapple fruit, let's look at the content of pineapple fruit first.
Pineapple Fruit for Health

Content of Pineapple Fruit

Pineapple fruit contains vitamin C and a source of Vitamin A, this fruit contains a lot of anti-oxidants. In addition, it also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain efficacious as anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Contains a lot of fiber that makes fruit is very good as a solution to the problem of constipation.

Benefits of Pineapple Fruit for Health

Pineapple fruit can be eaten when it is ripe, or can be eaten almost ripe, but the fruit should be eaten when it's harvest or ripe. Here are the benefits of ripe pineapple.
  • Helpful to reduce stomach acid
  • Good for Digestion, because it can soften the food in the stomach
  • As an anti-inflammatory,
  • A laxative urine,
  • Can clean the dead skin tissue, good for skin health
  • Pineapples can interfere with the growth of cancer cells,
  • Pineapple inhibit platelet clumping.

Eating pineapple is not only have benefited as we have mentioned above, but also by eating pineapple can cure some diseases. Let's see what are the diseases that can be cured with pineapple.

  1. Pineapple juice beneficial for curing diseases: worms, sore throat, beriberi, weight loss, digestive problems
  2. Pineapple leaves that washed clean, finely ground, and apply on that spot saki, this could be to heal burns, itching and sores
  3. For cure dandruff: Provide 1/4 ripe pineapple. Peel the skin and grate, squeeze, and strain. Add the juice of 1 lemon and stir until blended. Use this mixture to rub the scalp that dandruff. Do it at night before bed. The next morning, Wash with clean. Do it 2-3 times a week.
  4. As skin inflammation remedy: provide 1/2 ripe pineapple. Peel the skin and grate. Grated results are used to rub that skin scaly and peeling. Do it once a day, at night before bed. The next morning, washed clean. Do it every day.
  5. For treat the constipation: drink the juice of 3 pieces of pineapple, but choose not too ripe fruit and a little bit sour.

Side effects pineapple

  1. Young pineapple potential as abortivum (a drug that can abort the womb). Pregnant women are forbidden to consume young pineapple.
  2. Trigger arthritis. In the gastrointestinal tract, pineapple fruit fermented into alcohol. This could trigger a recurrence of rheumatic gout. Rheumatism and arthritis sufferers are advised to limit consumption of pineapple.
  3. Increase blood sugar. ripe pineapple fruits contain high sugar content. So, for people with diabetes, should not consume excessive pineapple.
  4. Itchy. Sometimes after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue itch. To avoid this, before eating, soak the pineapple chunks with salt water.

Thus the benefits of pineapple fruit for health, let's eat pineapple for our health, but still consider the side effects will be caused.

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