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Benefits of Fish Oil for Health

Benefits of Fish Oil for Health - Fish oil has long been the material consumption as an addition to vitamins and nutrition for healthy living needs. Fish oil is not only beneficial to the body sufficient nutrients, but also beneficial for mental health and can be useful for beauty.

As for some of the benefits of fish oil for health, such as: to maintain a healthy heart, disturbances in schizophrenia, keep your mind from depression and bipolar.
Benefits of Fish Oil for Health
In fish oils containing omega-3 highly beneficial for health. Omega-3 nutrition including the best of all the nutrients of the vegetable. Asendial acids contained in fish oil are EPA or which can be called (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA stands (docosahexaenoic acid).

Benefits of Fish Oil for Health

Preventing Cardiovascular Disease. One of the functions of fish oil was able to reduce the levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, as well as soften the arterial system is already experiencing stiffness, fish oil is also beneficial to keep the rhythm of the heart.

Cancer Preventing Attacks. Content of omega-3 in fish oil can keep the cancer attacks. As for the cancer that can be prevented by consuming fish oil is prospat cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. Omega-3 is working with the method of keeping the cells in the body so that the cells remain healthy.

Fish Oil Can Improve intelligence. In addition to treating chronic pain as above, fish oil can also educate our brain, improving mental health and intelligence of thought patterns. Why are omega-3 can educate the brain? Because fish oil has a DHA content (content that helps educate the baby's brain, in addition, the content of DHA is also effective to prevent infants at risk for disability attack.

Preventing Asthma. Fish oil functions other than the above is to facilitate the performance of the respiratory tract that can keep away from the possibility of narrowing of airways (Asthma).

1 Response to "Benefits of Fish Oil for Health"

@David@ said...

The article is an eye opener.
Fish oil is not only beneficial to the body sufficient nutrients, but also beneficial for mental health and can be useful for beauty.

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