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Traditional Tonsil Disease Drugs

Traditional Tonsil Disease Drugs - Tonsils are the two lymph nodes on the back of the mouth near the throat. Its function is quite large in the oral cavity, namely as immune system cells produce antibodies, which are useful as a bastion of attack bacteria or viruses that enter through the mouth and nose.

Tonsil Disease Drugs
This is known as tonsillitis tonsillitis. Inflammatory disease of the tonsils are part of one nuisance ENT (ear, nose and throat). Tonsillitis is caused by a virus that usually attacks the flu in people. But it could also be caused by certain bacteria.

Symptoms of tonsillitis disease is usually characterized by the thickening or swelling of the wall of the throat, tonsils colored is more red, the appearance of white patches, like a lump and pain when swallowing food.

Causes of tonsillitis

To prevent tonsil disease, then we need to identify the cause. Well, here are some of the causes of the tonsils is to know.

  1. Dietary factors. Many foods contain preservatives, flavorings, artificial sweeteners and chemical dyes became one of the main factors that can cause inflammation.
  2. Lack of vitamin C. Keep in mind, the body needs a minimum of 1 day to 500 milligrams of vitamin C, and balanced with other nutritional components.
  3. Too often consume foods with a spicy taste.
  4. Lack of water consumption. The body needs the liquid equivalent of at least 8-10 glasses of water/day, or equal to 1.5-2 liters per day.
  5. Wash hands before consuming food, or do not pay attention to hygiene before eating.

Traditional Tonsil Disease Drugs

Inflammatory disease of tonsils or tonsillitis can be cured by using traditional ingredients below:

1. Lemon
Ingredients: 1 orange juice, turmeric as big as your thumb, 1 tablespoon honey and half a glass of water.
Method of treatment: Cut lime and squeeze the water. Grated turmeric, then squeeze the water and mix with lemon juice. Add a tablespoon of honey and half a cup of water, stir until blended. Then drink the water.

2. Jarong plants
Boil 10-15 grams of plant jarong, or 30-60 grams fresh jarong plants with 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. After a cold, filtered water and drink as well. Perform this treatment every day on a regular basis.

3. Cardamom
Cardamom is one of the crops that is efficacious for treating various diseases. One is the inflammation of the tonsils. Boil 5 grains of cardamom pods in 3 cups water to boil. After eating the fruit cool.

5. Bee products (honey product)
Almost all products ranging from honey bee propolis is useful to cure for tonsillitis. To learn more about the benefits of honey, read the article "benefits of honey for health".

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