Watermelon Benefits for Health - Watermelon is very beneficial for health, especially in eliminating thirst, the beauty, and others. Here is a summary of some of the benefits of watermelon:
Some of the benefits of watermelon for health
- Watermelon can help maintain eye health, because it contains pro-vitamin A.
- Watermelon good for people who have high cholesterol levels, as this fruit can reduce cholesterol levels and help issuing from the human body.
- Watermelon is good for people with hypertension. Water content and high potassium can neutralize blood pressure.
- Watermelon also helps improve the work of the heart so it is good to prevent and treat heart disease. So for those of you who have heart problems, try eating watermelon on a daily basis.
- Watermelon is good for those of you who are trying to lose weight. The fruit is fat-free and have unlimited combination of sugar and water content abundant. Moreover, the fruit of this one are quickly filling in the stomach.
- Watermelon can satisfy the body's requirement for vitamin C as vitamin C in watermelon is extremely high. That can prevent ulcers with potent.
- Substance lycopene in watermelon is a very good antioxidant to fight cancer
- Watermelon also has a function that deuretik facilitate discharge of urine so it is good for those with impaired urination.
- Watermelon can be used to reduce fever.
- This fruit can increase fertility and help men's sexual arousal. studies have shown that compounds in watermelon sitrulin, has the same effect afrosidiak good as viagra, but with no side effects
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