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10 Benefits of Broccoli for Health

10 Benefits of Broccoli for Health - Broccoli is a vegetable that plays an important role in health, because of the content in it is very good for health. Nutrients contained in broccoli vegetables such as fiber, antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C, K, and the minerals iron minerals, which are necessary for better health. Here are 10 benefits of eating broccoli, as reported everydayhealth. Among others:

Simple Vegetable but has a myriad of health benefits. You can easily get the broccoli in the vegetable markets, so it is unreasonable to not consume broccoli in your daily menu. Cheap price and more delicious taste make broccoli crunchy enjoyed as a healthy vegetable.

10 Benefits of Broccoli for Health

Increase endurance
"Broccoli contains high levels of vitamin C, which can boost the immune system and help fight infection," This was described by Elizabeth Somer, RD, author of "Eat Your Way to Happiness".

In addition, broccoli composed of substances phytonutrients and phytochemicals, including sulforaphane, which helps remove toxins from the body and strengthen the physical endurance of the flu.

Helps prevent cancer
One of the biggest benefits of broccoli is fighting the disease. Scientists say that broccoli really able to detoxify the body and known have cancer preventive properties in against breast, bladder, colon, and ovarian cancer because the content of indoles and isothiocyanates, phytochemicals in broccoli.

Another study conducted at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, found that isothiocyanates in broccoli can increase enzyme activity in a group of animals that effectively prevent the development of cancerous tumors.

Help fight depression
Elizabeth Somer says that broccoli is a good source of folate and vitamin B. It is proven to improve mood and prevent depression.

People who are prone to folate deficiency depression, fatigue, poor memory, and mental problems like schizophrenia may be more serious. You can fight sadness by increasing the consumption of vegetables such as broccoli.

Improve bone health
Benefits of broccoli to the bone. Broccoli contains calcium and vitamin K, both are important for bone health and to prevent osteoporosis.

Controlling blood pressure
Broccoli may help maintain a healthy nervous system and balance the effects of sodium on blood pressure. In addition, the potassium in broccoli can help stabilize blood pressure and nervous system and maintain healthy brain function.

Prevent cardiovascular disease
Some studies suggest that vitamin B6 and folate contained in broccoli gives some protection against heart disease and stroke.

Improve digestive health
Another benefit of broccoli is launch digestion. High fiber content in broccoli can prevent constipation by launching the digestive tract.

Sharpen vision and improve skin damage
Broccoli contains lutein and vitamin A is important for eye health. Research has shown that high levels of lutein may prevent age-related degeneration of the eye such as cataracts and macular.

Prevent heart disease
Researchers at the Institute for Food Research in Norwich, England, crossed two different types of broccoli with aim to develop super broccoli that contains glucoraphanin up to 2 to 3 times the normal amount. The nutrient believed to help prevent heart disease.

Good for weight loss diet
Non-carbohydrate vegetables such as broccoli can be a healthy food choice that can support your diet. High fiber content, makes the digestive system takes a long time to digest so you will feel full longer .

By knowing these 10 benefits of broccoli, you would be expected to consume these foods as healthy food in family.

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