Usefulness Cucumber for High Blood - Cucumber, cucumber or cucumber is one of the vegetables that exist in abundance in this country. Cucumbers are annual crops that are widely cultivated. Cucumber prices are always relatively low. No wonder then that many people are making foods such as vegetables, pickles and culinary complement satay. Cucumber contains excess water, thus can nourish the body. Not only that, cucumbers also proved to have benefits for human health. One of the benefits of cucumber is for high blood pressure or hypertension.
Content of Cucumber
Before dissecting the benefits of cucumber for high blood pressure, it is important to parse any substance that is contained in these vegetables. Clinically, cucumber saponins containing substances (which serves mucus), protein, iron or iron, sulfur, fat, calcium, Vitamin A, B1 and C. If using a mathematical approach, then in 100 grams of cucumber contained 0.7 grams of protein, 12 KKL calories, 0.1 grams fat, 21 milligrams phosphorus, 0.3 mg Fe, 0.3 carbohydrates, 8.0 vitamin C, and 0 , 3 milligrams of vitamin A and vitamin B1. Various substances are porgonik who allegedly capable of lowering blood pressure in the body.
Lowering Hypertension Remedy
Complex mineral content in cucumber such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus also makes one vegetable is believed to lower high blood pressure or hypertension. If you are hypertensive, you better eat cucumber every day routine. How to consume can be eaten after washed. But it would be even better if you soften the cucumber and then squeeze the water. Discard the pulp and the juice drink earlier. For optimal results, drink the juice of cucumbers three times a day. Morning, noon and night. If you want the flavor was also delicious, recipe cucumber juice can also be used to lower high blood pressure.
The experts answer the reason why the benefits of cucumber is very good for high blood pressure. The reason is none other than the cucumber uretic properties consisting of 90% of water is capable of removing salt from the body. Minerals rich in cucumber is able to bind salt and excreted in urine.
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