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Guava Benefits for Health

Guava Benefits for Health - Guava fruit is very beneficial to health, therefore many benefits of guava fruit for health. Not only the guava fruit, but the leaves are also very beneficial for health and can also be made as disease prevention.

In the Latin language, Guava is "Psidium guajava". And in English was the Guava. Guava contains a lot of vitamin C and some minerals that are beneficial to ward off many diseases, and keep the immune system.
Guava Benefits for Health
Bark and leaves of guava contains antibacterial substances that can cure several diseases. In addition to vitamin C, guava also contains potassium and iron.

Apart from being an anti-oxidant, vitamin C here has the function to maintain and promote the health of capillaries, prevents anemia, mouth sores, bleeding gums, etc.. In addition, vitamin C can also boost the immune system against various infections. So we did not get sick like flu, cough, fever, etc..

Enough vitamin C in the blood can lead selenium in inhibiting cancer cells, especially lung cancer, prostate, breast, colon, bladder and brain. Most of the vitamin C in guava is concentrated on the outer skin and flesh. So that, guava better consumed with the skin.
Guava Benefits for Health

Benefits of guava

Benefits of Guava for canker sores. Cut a handful of guava leaves and bark of the guava finger as necessary, wash thoroughly, then boiled in water until boiling. After a cold, filtered, and drunk.

Benefits of guava for bleeding wounds, could wash up first by guava leaves freshly picked and milled. Furthermore paste on the wound and put a bandage dressing. Change bandages and herbs 3 times a day until healed.

Young twigs can be used to treat vaginal discharge
(leukorea). Its roots can cure dysentery, which boiling 15-30 grams of fresh guava leaves and drink boiled water. Often excluded boiled water be used to wash wounds.

Red guava fruit can be used to increase the platelets in the blood for dengue patients. In addition, guava fruit can be used for the treatment of diabetes, high blood cholesterol levels (hypercholesterolemia), and treat constipation. Suggested pick guava fruit is red

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