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Cucumber Benefits for Beauty

Cucumber Benefits for Beauty - Latin name is Cucumis sativus L. cucumber usually and often consumed as a vegetable. Cucumber plants grown by vines and plants are classified as annuals, because after flowering and fruiting, cucumbers plants will die. Cucumber has a high water content. No wonder then that many who use it as a refreshing fruit to nourish the kidneys. In addition to nutritious health benefits of cucumber turns to beauty is also quite a lot! Here are some benefits of cucumber for the beauty:
Cucumber Benefits for Beauty
Repellent eyestrain
One of the benefits of cucumber for the beauty of the most popular is to drive tired eyes, as well as dark circles around the eyes. The trick is quite simple, you only need two thin slices of fresh cucumber placed on the eye. Let stand for 15 minutes. Repeat these steps every day until you see the results. In addition to evict tired eyes, cucumber slices can also be used to ward off acne. The same way as the eye fatigue, simply attach the cucumber slices for about 15 minutes until the acne is gone. Special, acne that has gone will not leave a trace!

Nourish hair
Another benefit of cucumber is nourish hair. In this way regular consumption of fresh cucumber, you will avoid the risk of baldness because the substances contained silica in cucumber serves to stimulate hair growth. Consumption of cucumber in the form of juice is a good choice. Add ingredients such as carrots, lettuce, spinach or carrots so that the maximum results.

Perfecting Skin
The most important ingredients for beauty is skin. Did you know that in fact beneficial for beauty cucumber skin? Fresh fruit is nutritious tighten the skin, making it smooth and fresh. How to use it is very simple and practical. Simply apply twice daily as a cucumber face mask. Cucumbers contain substances like manganese, magnesium, potassium, silica, vitamin A, B and C, as well as many others. The complex substances contained in fruit cucumber makes this one good for the skin.

Healthy nails
Benefits of cucumber to the other beauty is health care fingernails. For those who demand excellence, display nails, are also not to be overlooked. Although trivial, but it turned out to nail care requires special fee. But do not worry, you can cut those costs by regularly consuming cucumber because it can make your nails healthy and away from the cracked condition.

Caring Dentistry also gums
Another thing that must be considered for the perfection of appearance is teeth gums. It was not beautiful skin will make you look charming if your teeth are not maintained. One of the most expensive to care for healthy teeth and gums is a routine consume cucumber juice. The fruit is known to stimulate the production of saliva, thus acidic and alkaline conditions in the oral cavity can be much more balanced. Various benefits of cucumber for the beauty is sure to make you fall in love with the fruit growing vegetables this one. Happy shopping cucumber ya!

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