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Health Benefits and content of Noni Fruits

Health Benefits and content of Noni fruits - Speaking about the noni fruit, maybe the first one comes to mind is the taste and smell unpleasant. Noni fruit is actually better known for exceptional health benefits. So do not feel uncomfortable when hearing or read information about the noni fruit.

Benefits and content of noni fruit very much, of course vitamins and vital substances in the fruit is also very amazing, so the noni fruit can be "medicinal ingredients" which was very expensive. All products from noni fruit has a high price, even noni juice also has a high price, could be priced IDR 100,000 noni juice for 1 liters. But this juice has remarkable properties for health.
Benefits and content of Noni Fruits
Noni fruit has many names according to the growing regions, such as in Aceh called "boh keumudee", Java: pace, kemudu, kudu; cangkudu (Sunda), kodhuk (Madura), Tibah (Bali) from Southeast Asia region, belonging to the family Rubiaceae. Another name for this plant is Noni (Hawaiian language), Nono (Tahiti language), Nonu (in Tongan), ungcoikan (Myanmar language) and Ach (in Hindi). Let's see, what are the contents contained in the noni fruit, so the fruit is increasingly beneficial for health and has a high price.

Substances in noni fruit

  • Nutrition substances. In the noni fruit contains a substance that is important for health of the body, such as protein, vitamins, and also contains many minerals, such as selenium which is one of the antioxidants.
  • Noni fruit contains essential compounds, such as: Terpenoids, Terponit role in organic synthesis, Scolopetin, these compounds act as Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic drugs.
  • Anti-bacterial substance. Anti-bacterial substances present in fruit juice, these substances have utility in killing a variety of bacteria spreading infection, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, protens morgana, staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli and the substance contained bacillus subtilis.
  • Noni fruit contains anti-cancer. Function anticancer agent effective against a variety of abnormal cells
  • Acetyl substances. This substance plays a role in deadly germs
  • Moridon substances. Moridon substance is very important in digestion, such as waste water
  • Soranjidiol substances. This substance has the function to launch the process of urination
  • Containing terpenes Substances. Beneficial agents to rejuvenate the cells in the body
  • Noni also contains a hipokelemestik substance

Health benefits of noni fruit

  1. Noni fruit contains natural antioxidants, this fruit so beneficial for boost immunity.
  2. Noni beneficial for protecting the body from the spread of cancer cells that are dangerous to health
  3. Could prevent tumor
  4. Noni is also useful for cure the disease cough, fever, and abdominal diseases, such as mules, etc.
  5. Serves to normalize high blood pressure, stabilize blood pressure in the body
  6. Control the various functions of the cells in the body.
  7. Rejuvenate body tissue cells that have been damaged
  8. Useful for neutralize free radicals.
  9. Launched the digestive tract in the body, such as urination, defecation, etc.
  10. Noni is also useful for overcome diabetes
  11. Maintain heart health, strengthen the body
  12. As an energy source.
Thus some of Health Benefits and content of Noni Fruits, so it is natural with such a predicament, noni fruit can be expensive and magic for our health benefits.

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