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Benefits of Jasmine Flowers for Health

Jasmine flowers for health benefits you need to know. Jasmine flowers are common grow in garden or the garden next to the house. It fragrant smells of jasmine makes it very well known and frequently used in various rituals, either to the mystical tradition.

In fact, the efficacy and benefits of jasmine flowers not only as to the ritual, but it is very beneficial to health. Has always been used as a remedy in treating various diseases and disorders, such as excessive stopping breastfeeding, breathing difficulties, eye pain, headache, and fever and other defect.

Benefits of Jasmine Flowers
Benefits of jasmine flowers for health can not be separated from the compounds it contains, namely indole, benzyl, and livalylacetaat. Jasmine plant part used is the root, leaves and flowers.

Benefits of Jasmine Flowers for Health

1. Shortness of Breath
Boil 20 leaves of jasmine and salt to taste by using 3 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. After a cold, filtered water decoction of leaves of jasmine. Drinking water twice a day every morning and afternoon.

2. Fever and Headaches
If you or your family there who have a fever, do not panic. Take a handful of leaves of jasmine and "10 jasmine flowers", then knead by hand. Once wilted and slightly crushed, soaked in water. The water bath is used to compress the forehead. This method can also be done to treat mild headache.

3. Stung by bees or other insects
If you suddenly stung by a bee, take a handful of jasmine flowers, then knead until smooth. Paste jasmine crumpled to the body part bitten by insects or stung by a bee.

4. Treating sore eyes
You never experience eye pain, such as red eye irritation, the condition can actually be solved with jasmine leaf. The trick, grab a handful of leaves of jasmine, then knead smooth. Glue on the forehead above the eyes, if dry replace with new concoctions.

5. Stopping Excessive breast milk
Sometimes, there are breastfeeding mothers who breast milk out too much. Even when the baby is not breastfeeding. It is certainly quite cumbersome, but can be overcome with a mixture of jasmine flowers.

The trick, a handheld leaf finely crushed jasmine, then tacked on around the breasts. Do it every morning before bathing.

Here are some benefits of jasmine flowers and leaves for health. You can try it if you experience any of the complaints as above. Good luck

Note: If your pain does not go away, call your doctor immediately

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